Yukio Mishima Literary Museum 三島由紀夫文学館

It is literature building of two star in "Michelin green guide japon 2009"

We display material (including handwriting manuscript, original notebook, book, scenario, film and play program) of greatest writer, Yukio Mishima whom Showa that attracts attention from foreign countries let alone the country produced. Picture of 54 minutes during the movie has high popularity in particular with literature building.

History and Culture

Basic Information

Address 401-0502 山梨県南都留郡山中湖村平野506-296
Telephone Number 0555-20-2655
FAX 0555-20-2656
Admission charges ※Ticket common throughout both halls with Yukio Mishima literature building, Soho Tokutomi Museum
500 yen/public, 300 yen/high school university student, 100 yen/primary and secondary student
Open 10:00-16:30 (as for the admission until 16:00)
Closures Every Monday, Tuesday (the next day on holiday)     From December 29 to January 3
Website Official site


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